I love stories.

But I especially love it when art tells them.

Today I want to share Delita Martin’s art and the stories it tells.

Her art is stunning, moving, and poignant.

Once I met her, I understood why.

I think you will, too.

We all have a story to tell.

It differentiates but also connects us.

Is a story part of your art?

Let us know yours in the comments.

We will be choosing a lucky artist from the comments to give away a copy of “Conjure,” Delita’s recent book that highlights works from her 2021 exhibition.

We will announce the winner next week.

If you can’t wait till then, you can always get a copy here:


Check out Blackboxpress and more of Delita’s artwork here:


And follow her on Instagram… @blackboxpress

Enjoy this day.


PS Check out the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group.

Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art, and you are invited!