How to get a breakthrough in your Art

How to get a breakthrough in your Art

I love it when I get a breakthrough. But it rarely happens.

So the question for me that is floating out there is how? How can I create the conditions or mindset to have more breakthroughs? How can we more frequently make the kind of art we love, more than what we have done in the past?

Well, I got part of the answer when I walked by Artist Anki Gelb’s studio last week. She shared a recent breakthrough with me, and it was so good, I thought I would share it with you.

Join Anki and me in her studio.

Have a look here:

Anki’s share reminded me of the primary reason more personal art that we tend to resonate with emerges. It has everything to do with feeling free. In other words, we are making marks with not too much concern for how it is going to turn out. We are more playing than striving to do our best work. This kind of approach is a huge takeaway.

I can’t wait to see where this big jump in Anki’s work takes her next. I know she is excited and liking this recent work more than ever before.

It is a great strategy to take a closer look when you have a breakthrough.

If you can, please share your answer in the comments below.

Let’s make 2021 the year of breakthroughs!

Have a great day today in the studio,

PS: Thanks Anki, for sharing your experience and your art with us today. You can follow Anki’s super-duper Instagram feed by clicking here:

PSS Check out the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group by clicking here. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art, and you are invited!

Did your parents hang your art up?

Did your parents hang your art up?

Did your parents hang your art up? It seems like a minor question at first blush, but having approval about anything we did by those we loved mattered as little kids—especially art. I have listened to many artists over the years talking about not being so supported when, at an early age, they were beginning to make their art.

Even though I have taught for many years, I never heard a question that more gets at the heart of this delicate matter. Did your parents hang your art up? This question seriously moved me. And this is why I love teaching so much. Even though the subject has remained the same all these years, I continue to learn every time I revisit what I thought I already knew.

We almost always discover nuance and fresh insight by looking back at what we already have learned because of one reason – we have changed.

Today I will share with you a couple of art ideas that I recently rediscovered. Even though I have learned and taught these ideas, I am rediscovering them.

Have a look here:

What have you recently re-learned in your art-making?

Let us know in the comments below…

Have a great day in the studio.


PS Check out the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group by clicking here. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art, and you are invited!

Does your goal scare you a little?

Does your goal scare you a little?

Happy New Year!!! As part of my new year, I always think about what I am looking to achieve this year. I have a particular way of setting goals, and that is what I am talking about today. Check it out.

Have a look here:

For me, the litmus test as to whether the goal is juicy enough to pursue is if just the thought of it makes me a little scared. I call these the big scary goals. These are usually the ones that are worth pursuing. I also never set a goal for a year as I usually don’t succeed. Instead, I take it in seasons. Each quarter is a season. January, February, and March always involve pushing my art, as well as my teaching. I call this first quarter, the season of learning.

What are you planning that might be a little scary?
Let us know in the comments below

And remember, writing it down, especially in a public space like this Vlog, is the first step to making your dream a reality. So go for it!

I hope you are in the studio today, fired up more than ever.

It is going to be an incredible year.


PS Check out the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group by clicking here. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art and you are invited!

How to make your best Art next year

How to make your best Art next year

As we are about to cross over into a new year, I thought I would share a few ways to set yourself and your art up for success in 2021. All 5 of these ideas are made possible by planning. When I take time to revisit what I am making or desire to make, it almost always goes faster, easier, and with far better results.

Have a look here:

I go over 5 key ideas in this video today, but the 5th one is probably the most important. So here it is:

In 2021, be extra vigilant about raising the bar on the kind of art you spend your time making. I am not talking about materials or subject matter.

I am referring to endeavoring to reduce the amount of art you make, that is just ok. The new year is a great time to reset the button on trying to spend the majority of your time making art that only truly moves you. In other words, you have to love it. The response, opportunities, and personal energy gained from making more of this kind of art will bolster your progress in 2021.

It is simple. Focus on making what you love. Then share it.

And watch what happens!

How are you going to change your art in 2021?
Let us know your plans in the comments below.

After all, planning is where all good things begin.

I hope you have a restful reprieve this Holiday Season.
Thank you all for another year of joining me on this Creative Path.
It means the world to me.


PS If you haven’t already, join the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group by clicking here. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art and you are invited!

The 3 Best Things about the Art Journey

The 3 Best Things about the Art Journey

I want to remind you of something that gets me super fired up. It has to do with being an artist. There are tons of hard things about art-making. So many, in fact, that sometimes we can forget all the great parts.

There are three big ideas in relation to the journey we are all on. And that is what I am talking about today. So, if you have been feeling a little low energy lately, maybe this will help. It works for me.

Have a look here:

The three best things about the artists’ journey:

1. It is available to anyone.
2. You get to make absolutely anything you want.
3. Sharing the process of figuring it out, grows you.

It is easy to forget these ideas when I am in the weeds with all the details. When I take a breath to remember them, I feel my energy lift.

Is there resistance in your art practice? Where? Maybe sharing it will clarify what you might do next to clear it.

Let us know in the comments below.

Have a great Sunday and enjoy the holidays!


PS If you haven’t already, join the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group by clicking here. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art.

How to scale up your Art Thinking

How to scale up your Art Thinking

I am standing in my new studio in Sausalito, California. Compared to my other studio, this one is way bigger, has a view of the harbor and will allow me to shoot better videos of making and teaching art. It is all very exhilarating but honestly, taking this step was kind of scary.

From my experience, moving into something new always comes with a degree of uncertainty. It takes a different kind of thinking.

And that is what I am talking about in today’s video.

Have a look here:

Over time, the pot of a houseplant can become too small. Just like plants, if we don’t get ourselves in a new, bigger pot, growth will be limited. Scaling up to do anything, whether it is a new studio or a new kind or size of art, always feels risky. However, that nervous energy is the very thing that makes up-leveling your art and life possible.

When was the last time you had to shift things? Is that time coming for you, too?

Leave a comment below and let us know.

Enjoy your art today.


PS If you haven’t already, join the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group by clicking here. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art.

Where is the Value of your Art?

Where is the Value of your Art?

I spent a lot of time worrying about if people understood what I was trying to say with my Art. It turns out this is almost impossible to ascertain. It also is a waste of energy. And this is what I am talking about in today’s vlog.

Have a look here:

People are all so different, and everyone will see and feel different things when they experience your Art. I believe we make our best Art when we are free of any mental restrictions. The day I decided to give up caring what people might or might not feel when they see my Art, was the day my Art took a big step forward.

It is helpful to realize that there is far more value found in the making of your Art than others’ reactions once it is made.

What part of your Art making do you assign the most value?

Leave a comment below and let us know.

I hope you get to make some art today.


PS If you haven’t already, join the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group by clicking here. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art.



Do you ever feel like it is hit-and-miss when making your art? That is how it was for me last night. I was going along great, and then I became distracted, and progress stalled. Sometimes it just feels like I am just pushing paint around.

So what is all this about? How can artmaking sometimes feel so good and other times not so much?

Well, that is what today’s video is all about. Here are the things that help me

Have a look here:

I know the jury is still out on how to get and stay in the flow. I am super curious. How do you get and then stay in the flow of your artmaking?

Please leave a comment below.

I hope your Sunday is going great.


PS If you haven’t already, join the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group by clicking here. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art.

How to call yourself an artist

How to call yourself an artist

I remember I used to have the most challenging time calling myself an artist. Inside, I felt like one. However, I wasn’t ready to give myself that title. A majority of my work was making illustrations and so I called myself an illustrator. I had the misguided belief that one title mattered more than the next. I mistakenly thought my title limited what I could become or the kind of Art I could make. Looking back, I see what a big waste of time all those deliberations were.

Today I am sharing how I sorted it out for myself.

Have a look here:

Spending 20 minutes concerning yourself about how others categorize you is 20 minutes too much. I have discovered people are pretty busy and don’t spend a lot of time thinking about us. And as my father used to say, “In a hundred years, there will be all new people.”

That always puts things in perspective for me.

Has anyone else struggled with titles?

Let us know in the comments by clicking here.

I hope your day in the studio is a good one.


PS If you haven’t already, join the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Groupby clicking here. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art.

How my studio wall works

How my studio wall works

One of the most common questions I get asked is, “How does your studio wall work?” In other words, how do I hang all these different sized paintings on my painting wall? So today, I thought I would show you.

Have a look here:

I also share a tip about these 6″ x 18″ blocks of wood that hold my larger paintings off the ground. In most artist studios, old rickety paint cans are doing this job, but I find the wood blocks more stable and quick to set up, especially if you are alone in the studio. You can get them at any hardware store.

Let us know how you set up your painting wall in the comments by clicking here.

I hope you’re having a relaxing weekend.


PS If you haven’t already, join the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group by clicking here. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art.