Learn This To Start Your Art
Why your creative life is expanding
Do you want to know what to do next in your art?
Want to see how I stopped my art from warping?
I have always painted on cradled hard wood panels.
But now I am doing something different. I am stretching canvas over the panels and once the painting is done, restretching the canvas on stretcher bars.
This new support system has solved the problems of warping, high delivery costs and the heaviness of my finished art all in one fell swoop!
Although it has taken quite a while to figure this out I am super excited about this new approach to my art support system.
Maybe what I have learned can help you too.
I know many share the same challenges I did. Let us all know in the comments what has worked for you.
PS Here is the link to where you can order canvas and stretcher bars
Canvas: https://www.dickblick.com/products/blick-premier-heavyweight-cotton-canvas-rolls/
Stretcher bars: https://johnannesley.com/
PSS If you haven’t already, I want to invite. You to join my free private Art2life Facebook group. It’s a great place to learn and connect with fellow artists.
Just click the link below…
How to get through that hard middle stage
My mother, Audrey’s Memorial
Last Sunday was my Mother’s memorial. It was a beautiful day filled with beautiful stories of my mother, the warmth of friends and family and of course her blackberry fruit pies for everyone to try.
All around the room were hung photos that till my mother had passed we hadn’t seen before. Everyone remarked how creative my mother lived. She expressed it through how she cooked, how she dressed herself and her children.
We were living quite a styled life!
A new way to make your art better AND faster
Can Play Improve Your Art?
Is This Missing In Your Art?
Hi everyone,
I want to thank so many of you for the kind, thoughtful comments regarding the passing of my mother, Audrey.
The past week has been made so much more bearable because of all the support this community has given me. It literally has moved me to tears. I have read every comment and card sent to me. There is such wisdom in this community. I apologize in advance if I can’t respond to everyone right away… I am trying! Interestingly, I wasn’t going to share with you the personal video about Audrey because I wasn’t sure people wanted to know what was going on in my personal life. I felt raw and vulnerable about the whole thing. In the end I decided to share it.
I am so happy I did. The amount of sharing and learning I have received from those of you who commented was extraordinary. I have never had so many people comment about anything I have shared as this one video about Audrey’s life. I learned this week that sharing challenges brings us closer and allows for connection, even though we might feel vulnerable or uncertain when we do.
This is what this week’s video is all about. Making and sharing our art even when not entirely confident takes a leap of Faith. I believe the most powerful art contains a degree of risk and uncertainty. If we can remember to cultivate this in our art process, our work not only will connect more with others but it will also feel more authentic. More like you.
And authenticity is the name of the game in creating value in art. As well as in life.
I hope your day in the studio is a good one.
PS if you have an artist friend who might benefit from this blog post please forward it along to them.
My Mother Audrey
However this week, especially today, all I can
think about is my mother. And so I thought I would
share with you a little bit about my 90 yr old
mother, Audrey. I will miss her so, so very much.
Please watch the video above and
help me celebrate the life of this amazing woman.
In gratitude, Nicholas