


Painting when you feel different creates different paintings. I wanted to make a painting that felt like but not necessarily was a representation of the feeling of Botswana. The rawness and extreme earthiness of the place was what I was after. I cannot look at this painting without it reminding me of Africa. This painting came very easily. The palette here is different for me.

I kept asking people in Botswana how old are these magnificent trees were…no one seemed to know as no one has ever been alive long enough to see one die from old age. It’s possible these trees are several thousand years old. This one tree was here when the pyramids were being built. It has a hole in it half way up that was used as a kind of post office so early explorers could leave messages that would be taken back to Europe by others who happened to pass on their return home.



Just returned from a month in Africa. Jen and I brought our two daughters

Lyla (14) and Hannah (12). Besides seeing amazing animals on Safari we spent some time volunteering at The Esibonisweni School, an Elementary School in South Africa. It was truly inspiring to feel the warmth and kindness of these children.

I just drew in my sketchbook, took pictures and tried to soak in the heart and soul of this wondrous place called Africa. I have a feeling we will be going back.

Paintings Leaving for Show

“Tangerine” 60″ x 60″ oil and beeswax on panel. #8309

Paintings waiting outside to be picked up by the delivery truck.

Clearing out the studio of all the paintings I have been working on for Santa Fe.

This orange one, done last and as “extra credit” is my favorite. There is a looseness and an out of control aspect to the way this was made that is refreshing. The easiest painting and, of course the best. There is something here.

Artplane Workshop at Esalen

The organic gardens at Esalen.

A demo painting done at Esalen

Some of the class of 2008.

This years workshop was tremendous. 18 people came together

and we painted till late into the evening for a week. I always find it so hard to get away to do these workshops but as soon as I get there I re remember. Full moon by the sea, Friendships made and getting inspired from watching people overcoming fears of art. And then of course there is the food, hot springs and always much laughter. I return renewed and re inspired….

Dog wants to go for a walk

#8302, #8303, and #8304, finished.

Many other paintings going on besides these but I have to free up time for the dog who

waits all day long outside my studio door to go running. Maizy, rescued from a kill shelter in Oklahoma.

Forever grateful, she is wonderfully sweet.


#8283 Finished

Still going, ended up destroying the middle one for something else…

Been very busy now for several weeks. Posting these after the fact….seeing paintings that were covered over that were pretty good. Making it difficult just to make it difficult.

New Panels

#8302, #8303, and #8304



Today about 15 new panels arrived. So I started in on some new ones a set of 3 24″ x 24″ and a 36″ x 40″. The green striped one, 8305 is quite hideous at this point but I just wanted to get something down to respond to later after this layer dries. The 3 24 x 24s are a bit better, at least from a distance. And then since I had a big pile of paint I made a giant blue square on #8283. I am thinking of small light shapes on this dark background–maybe very very tiny marks on a dark field.