Painting Backwards

Painting Backwards

Here’s a great technique to add exciting and subtle marks to your work! I think of it as backwards painting, since I first apply paint and then cover it up using thick paint and painter’s masking paper. Take a look… What I love about this method is that I could...
Try this to get your art going

Try this to get your art going

Do you ever get to your studio so excited and ready to paint only to find that what you’ve been working on isn’t that great? We’ve all been there, and it can be a letdown. So I want to share with you a fun solution that quickly gets me engaged with the work again. It...
Don’t Think, Paint!

Don’t Think, Paint!

As I’ve been working on these two paintings, I noticed that half the time I make a mark, it’s wrong – even when I’m trying. I wondered what would happen if I didn’t try at all? I had to find out. So without even thinking about design or color harmony, and even...
The Power of Collaboration

The Power of Collaboration

There’s so much I love about all my work with Art2Life and as a painter but the one thing that always gets me fired up is the workshops I teach. Artists of various levels meet at special locations to make art! You never know who will be there but the vibe is always...
Look at these colors I found in Italy

Look at these colors I found in Italy

I’m currently traveling in Italy and have seen so many cool things. Lake Como, for one, is a beautiful town with a long history of speed boat racing. A museum there features exquisite old boats and I was so taken with everything about them. The painted surface...
Are you growing into your art?

Are you growing into your art?

I started a garden recently in a large barren area. The tiny plants looked pathetic in this stretch of drab dirt, but they grew, and new things started to happen. Seeds drifted in the air and new habitats thrived in the shade of taller plants. I could have never...