Opening the door of your own art

Opening the door of your own art

I can clearly remember a time when just the idea of art-making was fraught with worries and concerns. It wasn’t the fact that my work was so bad. It was me. Sometimes I was overly concerned about what others might think about my art. Sometimes I would compare...
How to choose better for your Art + Life

How to choose better for your Art + Life

Do you ever feel like you made the wrong decision? Upon looking back, it seems so obviously wrong. How could I make that decision? Well, that is what I am talking about today. Have a look here: If you want to be better able to choose what you want, especially...
Are you thinking big enough?

Are you thinking big enough?

I remember not feeling so good about the kind of art I was making. I thought it was because of my circumstances. I had all sorts of ideas about what was or was not possible for me. But years ago, I had a conversation with my father, Clifford Wilton, who changed all...
I am not competitive

I am not competitive

I used to hate competition. But now it doesn’t bother me. I figured out that competition was so unpleasant because I was focusing too much on everyone else. I lost track of me in the process. Whether you are running a race, dancing, making art, or almost any...
How to make your art more consistently

How to make your art more consistently

Do you ever set goals for yourself to make art so many hours so many times a week? I used to do that, but I discovered that it rarely works out for me. So I changed my thinking. That is what this video is about today. Have a look here: I call this strategy,...
These 3 hacks help me make art

These 3 hacks help me make art

I love simple hacks that can help make my art easier, quicker, and better. Today I want to share three with you that I’ve recently started doing in my art practice. Maybe they could help you too. Have a look here: In the end, it is about creating more time for...