Your Art is made yours by one thing…

The process of making authentic art actually begins before you even start. What you choose to look at, think about and even remember is ultimately what makes your art yours. In other words, what you put in affects what you create. Especially when making Art. This is...

How to choose better colors, quicker.

Is it hard to choose the right colors when creating your art? I used to really struggle with this. I would spend a ton of time changing colors and in the end the colors I ended up with were not really any better. And then I started choosing colors in a different way....

Improve Your Life And Your Art

Our art is really just a sequence of choices. A series of “Yes I like this”, or “No, I don’t like that” decisions. In the end it is all about discernment. To get good at this we need to practice. Not just in our art but also in our life. Discernment is the primary...

What does your Design look like from 30,000ft?

Hi, for the past 2 days I have been talking about Design because the Art2life Free Workshop has started! Go here to grab your spot! We just started with lesson 1 Design and have 3 to do over the next week. Today I am talking about the importance of seeing the 30,000ft...

Which kind of fear do you have?

Fear holds us back in our art. But not all fear is the same. Knowing which kind of fear you have is important to discern. Most fears come from not knowing the answers. Uncertainty in life and art conjures up a little fear almost every time. And this is a good thing....

Does your art ever feel like a garage sale?

There is something cool about garage sales. There are so many disparate things and all are thrown on afew tables on someone’s front lawn. You never know what you might find amongst all this person’s stuff. People sell all kinds of things. There seems to be no rhyme or...