by Nicholas Wilton | Jul 15, 2018 |
I was looking at several nearly finished pieces and I noticed something: with this new body of work, I’ve been leaving more of the original first marks I make, as opposed to covering everything up. This is a bit different from what I normally do, and I am liking...
by Nicholas Wilton | Jul 8, 2018 |
I’ve been working on this giant blue painting for some time, and while I like where it’s at currently, there’s still a long way to go before it’s finished. Watch the video and see how I start to shift the composition. Leave a comment and let...
by Nicholas Wilton | Jul 1, 2018 |
I’ve been working on this commission and it is coming along very well – it’s reached a point where the piece now has a life of it’s own, and I am loving how the composition is coming together. Getting here, however, did not happen overnight...
by Nicholas Wilton | Jun 24, 2018 |
I’ve gone through several different phases in my career, each one usually accompanied by some kind of self limiting belief about what I could and couldn’t do with art. Now, it’s been hard, but I’ve come to learn that these kinds of beliefs – which nearly all of us...
by Nicholas Wilton | Jun 17, 2018 |
With every new body of work, I try to have one piece where I do the exact opposite of how I normally paint. It may seem a bit counter intuitive, but having a piece where I stay away from my normal routine helps me remain motivated. It injects a freshness into my...
by Nicholas Wilton | Jun 10, 2018 |
I am often asked how I begin a new piece. It’s a good question, and one that many artists, both experienced and otherwise, have difficulty answering. Lately however, I believe I’ve finally come to a satisfactory response. Watch the video and let me know...