How to bring back the joy in your art.

It seems like wherever we are in our art making, we always want to be someplace better. Often, our art or our ability to make our art feels inadequate. And it doesn’t feel so good. The real problem, however, is that this discontent sometimes never goes away. If we are...

The many ways your dream can come true.

The fantastic thing about making art is that there are no rules. There is no one-way, there isn’t even a hundred ways. There are infinite ways. And this is what is so expansive about the whole enterprise of art making. It has to be malleable. It has to be different...

A shortcut to your best art?

When I teach workshops I always have people work on several paintings at the same time. That way when you gets stuck you can merely move on to another one. The idea being that if you can keep moving – even if it is on a different painting that this is a good...