by Nicholas Wilton | Apr 24, 2016 |
Organizing your art using values so that the viewer sees first, what you want them to.
by Nicholas Wilton | Apr 17, 2016 |
When you start, there is little to risk and a lot to gain. Regardless of the kind of work you make, beginning can be a time to explore and experiment, following intuition wherever it may lead you. And often it knows best. How do you begin? In gratitude,...
by Nicholas Wilton | Apr 14, 2016 |
When standing at the edge of the sea in the tropics, the water appears to be a very pale translucent, aquamarine color. The sunlight hits the white coral sand and reflects its whiteness through the water, illuminating it from below. The color is part reflection of the...
by Nicholas Wilton | Apr 10, 2016 |
I was reminded of something while in the studio yesterday. Sometimes we have too much and we need to let some things go. And then, often, that empty space helps create something more. Something better. In gratitude, Nicholas
by Nicholas Wilton | Mar 27, 2016 |
Hey everyone, Here is a look at one of the many videos in the Creative Visionary Path Program. We are going to be spending the first few weeks of the program looking at ways of improving our art process, clarifying what...
by Nicholas Wilton | Mar 20, 2016 |
After watching my second video “VALUE” in my four part video series, many people have been asking the same question. What does the “loud and quiet” conversations look like in different kinds of art? So in today’s video blog post, I will...