“Your talent as a teacher, priceless! I can’t thank you enough. I now have the opportunity to jump without the fear of falling!” – Susan Day

Sign up early for the next ongoing series of Nicholas Wilton’s 6 weeknight studio classes taught in his personal studio located in Sausalito, California. This ongoing course will be especially helpful for those artists who are sometimes challenged by maintaining creative momentum and achieving goals in alignment with your own personal vision or creative path. Artists will find this weekly touchstone incredibly supportive and inspirational.  Acrylic paint, tools, and brushes are included but additional materials, depending upon the artist’s preference and particular work will be the responsibility of the artist. Included in the class will be demonstrations, information about finishes, surface, color, texture, collage, great music and, of course, the tremendous energetic lift that comes from working with friends. Come join our great community as we all are inspiring each other to our own greatness!

Held at Nicholas Wilton’s Sausalito studio, this class is a playful exploration of the creative image-making process. Utilizing imagery inspired from our own personal stories and life experience, we will engage in a hands-on exploration of fundamental painting principles as well as gaining an understanding of how to sustain our own creative momentum.

During the 6 weeks, we will work on a series of small paintings on wood panels, often working on several pieces simultaneously, leaving little time to worry about success or failure. We will also explore how themes of change and spontaneity enable us to create our own unique artwork, and illuminate life lessons inherent in the creative process. We seek to engage both sides of the brain, inviting mistakes, intuition, and spontaneity, along with our knowledge of the six ArtLife Creativity Principles: value, design, color, texture, risk, and soul.

Join us as we celebrate a process of inspiration, reclamation, and the journey of self-discovery through painting. This class is designed for people from a wide variety of disciplines. All skill levels are welcome. No artistic experience is necessary, only a willingness to play.

Note: Full Payment holds your spot. First come first serve. This class sells out so sign up early!

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Important info

Class meets on the following dates:

February 4th, 11th and 18th, and the 25th.

March 4th and 11th, 2015

Each class begins at 6pm and ends at 9pm

Location: 480 Gate 5 Road, Suite 300W, Sausalito, CA 94956

Please bring comfortable clothing (layers are helpful) that may get paint on them.

Cost: $500 per person. To pay by check, please make checks payable to Nicholas Wilton, and mailed to: 480 Gate 5 Road, Suite 300W, Sausalito, CA 94965. To pay by credit card, please contact Ferris at [email protected]

For more information regarding this workshop, contact Ferris at [email protected]

Next series begins October 16th, 2013 and runs through November 20th, 2013!