Is Simplicity better than Complexity?

Is Simplicity better than Complexity?

Which is better in Art? Simplicity or complexity? It seems lately simplicity is more popular. It took me a long, long time to find the answer. But I did, and today I will share my answer with you. I found out right as I was leaving art school. I was confused because...

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How To Love Doing Commissions

How To Love Doing Commissions

Do you want to do commissions? Or have you found them to be super difficult? Well, that was the case for me. Seriously, whenever I accepted a commission, I not only wouldn't have fun, but I often did work I liked the least. Why? Well, it took me way too long to figure...

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Why keep making Art if no one is buying?

Why keep making Art if no one is buying?

Towards the end of my Father's life, he lost his momentum to make his Art. I remember when he asked me, "Why keep making art if no one is buying?" It is a common question I hear other artists ask, but I never thought I would hear my Father, an artist who taught me...

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The New World of Laurie Shapiro…

Art that I haven't seen before moves me. Sometimes it is mine, but often it is someone else's. Today I am excited to share the latter. Laurie Shapiro is a Los Angeles-based immersive installation artist. She is here today to give us a quick peek into the extraordinary...

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This is kind of cool…

This is kind of cool…

The video above is not working properly. We are trying to fix it. In the meantime, you can watch the video by CLICKING HERE.   Lately, I have been playing around with applying paint on unstable ground. This approach ends up causing the paint to deteriorate a...

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One of these could change everything for you

One of these could change everything for you

Nobody makes the same Art. They also don't make it the same way either. I love talking about helpful ideas that we can use to make our best Art. I call them Principles. Principles are ideas that you can customize for yourself. Today I want to share my three favorite...

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You + Art = Love

You + Art = Love

Happy Valentine's Day! Today I want to offer something positive, maybe even kind of loving, when it comes to thinking about your Art. When things get hard in my art practice, I remind myself of these three things. It always helps put me back in the driver's seat of my...

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The Art of your Heart

The Art of your Heart

Do you ever feel distracted by the world of art outside your studio? So much so that it can distract from your art? We don't want all those outside voices to drown out the internal voice emanating from you. There is a solution, and it has to do with balance. Have a...

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Confidence is a con / Austin Kleon + Nicholas Wilton

Confidence is a con / Austin Kleon + Nicholas Wilton

It seems like everyone always wants to feel more confident. We are told that this comes from experience and just putting in the time. But what if confidence isn't what is needed so much in art making? Join me in conversation with Austin Kleon, best selling author of...

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The miracle that is free

The miracle that is free

Don't you love when someone shares something helpful with you- a tip, a hack, or something that makes your life better? On the flip side, if you share, it almost helps you even more. Today I am talking all about sharing... Have a look here: It takes an abundant...

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