The disruption continues…

The disruption continues…

Today we are diving a little deeper into “Disrupted Realism,” both the concept and the book. I am talking again (see last week’s vlog by clicking here) with John Seed, author of the new art book “Disrupted Realism.” I think the idea of “interruption” resonates because...

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Disrupt your Art

Disrupt your Art

Today we are talking about how to make your art more like you. I love helping artists develop their own unique voice. That takes time and is hard, but it is especially so if your art is realistic. John’s book is about the contemporary movement in the art world called,...

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Standing together / Nicholas Wilton / Art2Life

Standing together / Nicholas Wilton / Art2Life

I have canceled my normal vlog today in order to express my solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and the dismantling of institutional racism and inequality. As I’m sure many of you are also feeling, my heart is heavy over the recent displays of violence and...

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Answer this and your art will take off

Answer this and your art will take off

What do I do now? This is the burning question I hear from artists more than any other. We ask teachers, artists, friends and just about anyone who might have a clue. But this question is not best answered by others. It is answered by you. And that's what today’s...

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This will change you and your art

This will change you and your art

Ever notice you become bored in your art and life if things stays the same for too long? We feel alive when something different shows up. It happens when the sun shines after a week of overcast days. It can happen by adding a bright pink color to a drab grey painting,...

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Paintbrushes? Who needs them…

My recent work has been made without paint brushes. For me, it makes better art. Is this the case for you? Check out this week’s video to see why... That is what today’s video is all about. Click on the video below to watch. It has to do with control. I discovered the...

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Why does abstracting realism make it more real?

Making something 2D look 3D is almost like magic. A flat painting that looks realistic and dimensional can take your breath away. However, when I tried to make my paintings more realistic by controlling the paint and using smaller and smaller brushes, my art became...

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What can you use again?

This time is partly about managing with less. Less driving, less shopping and less social engagements. Interestingly, it actually doesn’t feel like less. My days feel more calm. I am noticing and discovering more. It is affecting my art, too. I am even finding and...

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How do you find your wild side?

Ok, so we are stuck inside. Our lives are becoming more predictable. You might be settling into routines. But not all of our life needs to become this way. Your art can become a place of adventure. Unpredictability and wildness can run free in your art practice. And...

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What is blue for you?

I almost became a marine biologist. It didn’t take too long to realize, however, that the part of the marine world I loved was its appearance. It wasn’t so much about the science. I just was absolutely mesmerized by the colors of the undersea world. So I figured I...

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