Your art family…
I remember the first time my father complimented something I made. I never forgot it. It gave me the confidence to choose a life that had art as its centerpoint. The motivational speaker Jim Rohn has famously said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the...
Look at what we are cooking up…
Since this all began I am making less art. But I am cooking way more. Making a big pot of soup somehow feels reassuring. As I was chopping onions the other day, I got to thinking how actually, making art is not so different from making food. Both nourish the body,...
From my kitchen table to yours…
I am sitting at my kitchen table and I just made this video with my phone. Right now, I have very limited access to my studio. Like you, I can’t do many of the things I love right now. The hardest part is that I am mostly by myself. Everything feels uncertain. However...
That fear in making art
In my studio there is a very large, 8’ x 8’ blank canvas. I am a little nervous about starting because it is so big. I have never made a painting this size before. So of course it is going to be a little scary. Fear always seems to come bundled with taking bigger...
Where the edges meet
Hi there, Melissa Chandon’s art is so different than mine. And that might be why it interests me so much. We got to talking about the edges in her art and I thought you might find it helpful. There are so many decisions in paintings, but possibly the most important...
Finding this could totally change everything
Hi there, our art is only as good as we are. In other words, it is important to keep a steady stream of inspiring input coming in so what is going out, our art, is inspiring too. So how do we do that? Here is an example I couldn’t resist sharing. Aondrea Maynard, a...
3 Questions to Clarify your Art
If you can take the time to answer these 3 questions, very likely your art will improve. These are similar to a few of the questions we use in the Creative Visionary Program to help bring clarity to member’s art. It is so easy to fall into a routine in what and how we...
Differences. This changes everything.
The big idea behind all my teaching is “differences.” It is the key to solving most art problems and in many ways, life problems too. We all crave feeling alive. And what gives us this sense is when we experience things we haven't before. Things that are different....
Did you forget this?
Just thinking about being creative, can feel hard. Finding the time and space to make art can even feel like a chore. But it doesn’t have to. Today I am talking about some hacks to get you back into your art without the usual pain and procrastination. Watch the video...
Do you love that ugly stage in your art?
I am pretty sure you are art goes through the same ugly stage as mine does. I hear from so many artists how much they hate this part of the process. Today I want to talk about this dreaded stage and maybe why it is not so bad after all. Watch the video below: There...