I avoid Carnivals. Art changed that.

Artists have a way of seeing things differently. It is what we do. When someone experiences your art they get a glimpse of a brand new world. Art brings wonder to our lives. It moves us. It opens us. I feel this every time I see potent art. This just happened when my...

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How much difference is too much?

Today I am sharing the one cool thing I learned in making this painting. It just might help you too. It has to do with my favorite subject when talking about art making. Differences. When we experience things that are different from one another, it makes us feel...

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Having no time can improve your art. See how.

Making art can be hard. But finding time to make it is harder. This is the number one challenge that stops most artists from making steady progress. I have especially been feeling this lately because of the holidays. Both my daughters are in town. There are more year...

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Want stronger art? Here is how.

I am going to share something different today. I only explain during our 12 week CVP program. It is an advanced concept but I will try and keep it simple. OK here it is: In order for the viewer to really see and feel your art, it is helpful for you to choose the one...

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Create wonder in your Art

All the work I love has one thing in common. It moves me. It can even take my breath away. But why? Over the years, I have thought a lot about this. Now I know it is because of one essential ingredient. And this is what I am talking about in this week’s video....

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What makes being an artist great

Hi there, We are all familiar with the hard parts of being an artist. But today, since this is a season of gratitude, I thought I would talk about what I love about artists. First off, I am so thankful I am one. However, it is easier to recognize the characteristics I...

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Want to improve your art? Share it.

Making art can be hard. But sharing it with others sometimes can be even harder. I think this is because, for some reason, we feel we have to be perfect. But this notion holds us back. And it certainly can stop us from sharing. Sharing, however,  is the very thing...

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Russell Chatham 1939 – 2019

Last Sunday, the extraordinary landscape painter, Russell Chatham passed. He was a writer, avid fly fisherman, and naturalist. But above all else, he was a painter. He grew up in California painting the wild, untamed places of Northern California. He developed his art...

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Hard to start your art back up? Try this.

Yep. This is one of the biggest challenges most artists struggle with… Starting your art again. It is so easy to lose the rhythm of making art. Sometimes it is a big life thing that gets in the way. It can even be a vacation. What about that friend who comes, visits...

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