Maybe you are not an artist?

Do you ever have the thought that maybe you can’t pull off making your art? Or even worse, that you are not an artist after all? I know I have. I hear a lot about this challenge from other artists. But you know what? These limiting beliefs don’t have to occupy any...

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Is your art and life aligned?

Do you see a lot of different directions when you look at the arc of your art? Sometimes this can make us feel scattered and unsure about where exactly we want to put our creative energy. This was the case for me. Of course I love doing so many different kinds of...

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Do you have too many directions for your art?

Do you feel overwhelmed with too many directions to take your art? The problem for me is that practically all of them seem like good directions. And probably, most of them are. But that isn’t the problem. The problem, at least from my experience, comes when we are...

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How to get rid of your fear of failure…

The fear of failing in art is one of the biggest factors that holds your art back. If I feel afraid while making art it never works out. My art always ends up looking and feeling, well, fearful. It’s not the kind of art I want nor how I want to feel. In today’s vlog I...

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Are you in a palette rut?

Do you get tired of using the same colors? I used to feel stuck in the same colors. I kept repeating myself because it worked. Now I have learned an approach to making any color work. In today’s video, I will demonstrate a way to discover new color. In the video, I...

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The best white in the world.

I am not even sure if white is one of the colors. Which is odd because it can look so great amongst them. That is, if you pay attention to a couple of key ideas. And that is what I am talking about this week. And not just talking, but demonstrating. Join me for a few...

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3 AWESOME things I was just reminded of…

I recently was reminded of 3 things. When I think about them I always feel more excited about what is possible for my Art and Life. And this is what I want to talk about today. If you are rushing out to get your coffee and don’t have time to watch right now, here are...

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Are you playing big?

Do you ever feel like your art has stayed the same for too long? When this happens to me I do a this really cool exercise. It totally works for me. Let me show you ... Here is the basic idea...     I give myself the task of only doing two things. Do something big and...

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Are you a stranger to your art?

Hi there, I have been away from my studio this summer. When I returned, I felt like a stranger to my art. Do you ever feel this way? I used to struggle with this every time I came back after a long break. But I figured out some helpful tips that might work for you...

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Still hoping your art will turn out?

Hi there, I call it hope painting. This is when you just hope that your art is going to turn out. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t. This was my experience, till I figured out a new way. It is all about asking one little question. Less hope and more clarity...

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