Learn This To Start Your Art

Hi everyone, The hardest part of making art is when you are not making it. And, it seems like it gets harder the closer you come to starting. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here is a simple re frame that might help you start more easily: Starting will never be...

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Why your creative life is expanding

As my Father grew older he talked about how his future plans and ideas were probably not going to happen. He felt his choices in life were lessening and his world was becoming smaller. But his art, he said, was different. When we are just starting in our art, our...

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Do you want to know what to do next in your art?

Painting is a process of call and response. You make a mark, step back and then evaluate what to do next. Over time, your ability to discern the next, best mark improves. And when it does, your art practice becomes less stressful, and more joyful. It sounds easy, but...

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Want to see how I stopped my art from warping?

I have always painted on cradled hard wood panels. But now I am doing something different. I am stretching canvas over the panels and once the painting is done, restretching the canvas on stretcher bars. Click here or on the image below and I will show you how. This...

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How to get through that hard middle stage

You start off great and everything seems to be looking good. But, then you hit that middle part of your art and are not quite sure what to do next.. You’re stuck. So how do you move forward? Click on the image below and I’ll tell you what works for me.   Guess...

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My mother, Audrey’s Memorial

Last Sunday was my Mother’s memorial. It was a beautiful day filled with beautiful stories of my mother, the warmth of friends and family and of course her blackberry fruit pies for everyone to try. All around the room were hung photos that till my mother had passed...

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A new way to make your art better AND faster

Do you spend way too long working on your art all the while not liking it so much? I did too. There is always going to be struggle in making art, but this approach I am going to share with you today really helped my process. It is all about when and what to focus on...

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Can Play Improve Your Art?

Hi everyone I just finished exhibiting my art at Julie Nester Gallery. And now my studio is empty. Starting again feels daunting. There are just blank walls and all the paintings are gone. When I feel this way, I remember the one thing I need to do in my art. I need...

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Is This Missing In Your Art?

Hi everyone, I want to thank so many of you for the kind, thoughtful comments regarding the passing of my mother, Audrey. The past week has been made so much more bearable because of all the support this community has given me. It literally has moved me to tears. I...

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My Mother Audrey

On Friday morning, after having cancer for over 10 years, my mother Audrey, passed. I normally make art during my week which then generates what I share on this vlog. However this week, especially today, all I can think about is my mother. And so I thought I would...

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