A New Way To Mix Color

I've been using this new method for mixing color and I wanted to share it with all of you. It's really helped me determine the color choices for my pieces. Watch the video and let me know what you think – how do you decide which colors to use in your paintings? In...

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How I Approach Commissions

I was recently commissioned to do a painting. Now, commissions bring a particular set of challenges to the table, but in the case of this most recent painting, there was an additional caveat: the client wanted the piece to look like an older painting of mine. Of...

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My New Favorite Tools

Oil paint has always been a part of my practice, but recently I've been using drawing materials as well. The combination of these two mediums has led my work in some exciting new directions, and as such I thought I would take a moment to share what I use. Watch the...

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How To Break Through

Often times inviting change into one's work is a deliberate process. Case in point is my current body of work: lately I've found that I am creating pieces that look too familiar to what came before, and as a whole they lack a certain freshness or spontaneity that is...

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Start and Do Anything

I recently started 2 new pieces and for a moment I had a bit of anxiety, trying to figure out where to begin! And then I remembered the secret to getting started. Click on the image to watch the video and share your thoughts and comments. What is the first thing you...

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A New Way To Paint

This year has definitely been one of changes for my art practice. For example, when it came to mixing color, I used to just make tiny little puddles. Now however, I've started mixing much more pigment at one time - almost enough to fill a bucket! This has had a...

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Work Without Judgement

Recently I've been trying to adjust the way I start my paintings. Specifically, I've been postponing analyzing the marks I put down for as long as possible. By doing this, I've found that I am not only able to work faster, but also with greater success. Watch the...

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My Favorite Tools

I thought I would take a moment to share with you some of the materials I use most often while painting. They've really helped improve my practice. What tools do you use while working? I would really like to know!

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Not One, But Six

I wanted to share with you a little about my painting process, and the importance of working on multiple pieces at once. Watch the video and let me know what you think. Do you work on several paintings at the same time? In gratitude, Nicholas

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The Bold and the Subtle

I was working on a painting today and was having a bit of difficultly figuring out where to go next...and then the solution hit me! Click on the image to watch the video and let me know what you think - how do you get past potential roadblocks in your art? Best,...

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