Stay in the Driver’s Seat

I've recently had a change in how I think about my work when it is not going as well as I want it to. This change has helped me regain control of my creative process and has made it so much easier to paint. Take a moment to watch the video, and let me know how you...

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The Stages of Learning

In my efforts to become a better teacher, I've been doing a fair amount of reading on how people learn. What I've discovered is that there are basically 4 stages of learning, each of which presents their own challenges and opportunities. Which stage are you at? Watch...

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Take A Break

After working on a painting for about 3 hours, I find that the marks don't come as easily, and it becomes more and more difficult to know where to go next. Fortunately I've discovered a little trick for getting around this issue. Watch the video to learn what it is....

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Garage Sale Sunday

Hey everyone, Today I am briefly talking about how to avoid the “garage sale” thing in your art. To fix this you need to understand DESIGN and VALUE These were the first two Art2life Principles I covered in last weeks Free Art2life Workshop. If you find today’s talk...

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It Takes A Long Time To Become Young

Have you ever noticed that when you are making your art and it is all working out that it is almost as if you are not entirely there? You are driving the bus but it seems like you do not have to try very hard. Almost like it is driving itself. Art making sometimes can...

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How To Make Amazing Color

I wanted to do something special today and give a little tutorial on color. Specifically, I want to show you how to create color combinations that go well with one another. As you might have guessed, the secret comes down to differences! Watch the video and let me...

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How to Make Your Art Bigger

So how do you make your work hold up when it gets super big? I mean really big, like 8-10 ft. big. At that scale – or actually any time your work gets bigger than yourself – it can either fall down or be stupendous. Scale makes everything better or worse. I am asked...

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Don’t Forget the Wax

I’ve been getting quite a few questions recently about one of my tools: cold wax medium. So, I thought I would make a little video about it for you all to enjoy! Watch the video and let me know what you think – what special tools do you use in your art practice? In...

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The Thinking That Can Save Your Art

One of the trickiest parts of being an artist is maintaining momentum. I struggle with this and I also am amazed at how many artists that I work with do too. The making of Art can be super hard and then it can feel easy and effortless. It is a roller coaster ride...

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Do Anything

When I used to start a painting, there was always a little period of time where I would stare at the blank panel, unsure of what to do. As the years have gone by however, I've developed a trick to get past this artistic road block. Watch the video, and let me know...

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