How to Know When You Need to Change Your Art

It seems once you arrive at a good place with your work, in no short time, this place begins to lose its appeal. Over time it even can become boring. The only way out of this is to change our work. Knowing how or when to change is not always apparent. This can be...

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The Power of You

Sometimes the art we make can look like someone else’s art. We all want to be original but the fact is we are all seeing and getting inspired from the thousands of images we see. How original can we be? Recently I was working on a painting and saw how similar it was...

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Where to Find the Answer

Sometimes I get so caught up in trying to finish paintings, or the business aspect of my art, that I can lose track of what I actually am doing in my art. What is this art all about? Where is all this headed? I know that I am dead set on improving, and I am always...

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The Secret for 2018

It seems like lately I've been busier than ever, and staying on top of it all without becoming stressed can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there's a secret to being organized and happy, and I want to share it with you as we go into 2018. Click on the image to watch...

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Improving Your Art the Easy Way

I have noticed an interesting thing about how I learn and improve my art. I used to think the more time I spent painting – meaning the actual, physical time I spent working hard – was in direct proportion to how much my work improved. Over the years, working hard is...

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Art and the Pursuit of Happiness

I was talking with a friend of mine yesterday and the discussion inevitably led to the topic of art, and what motivates us to create. The answer, we realized, is beautifully simple. Watch the video and let me know what you think - what inspires you in your work? In...

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3 Steps to Make Your Dreams Come True

If you have a dream, something you are passionate about achieving in your life, sometimes it can be reassuring to look back a few years. How did you previously accomplish something that is now present in your life that was at one time just a dream? I do this all the...

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Tahitian Aqua

I wanted to share with you my recipe for this great tropical blue color I frequently use with my work. You can't buy it in any store, so I thought it would be a perfect topic for the Sunday Blog. Click on the image to watch the video and let me know what you think -...

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What feels harder than making art?

One of the hardest things in my life I have ever done was become an artist. Like so many people, I had serious doubts. I saw my life hadn’t been one of any particular struggle. I believed great art had to come out of monumental struggle. A place of deep anguish....

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The Clifford Wilton Ashland Museum Show

I visited my late father's show at the Schneider Museum of Art in Ashland, Oregon, last weekend and I wanted to share this little recording I made with all of you. He was clearly a man of talent and skill, and it was amazing to be able to see all of his work in one...

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