How to Happily Make Art for Someone Else
The wonderful thing about fine art is that you get to make what you want. Making Art at its best is unbridled personal expression, free of concerns for making it a certain way or pleasing anyone beside yourself. There are very few things one can do in life that carry...
Finding Your Way
As I'm getting ready for the next Art2Life workshop in Mallorca, I've had the pleasure of being able to ride my bike around a bit. I haven't been riding with any kind of plan, and have just been going from one place to the next, enjoying things as they come along. It...
Emptiness, Art and a Camel
I'm at the edge of the Western Sahara, where the desert meets the sea, learning how to kite board. The landscape is striking in its vast emptiness - for miles and miles there is next to nothing, just sand. In this severe, sparse environment, I couldn’t help but start...
How is your Art like orange juice?
The steep path from the small Moroccan Berber village seemed like it was better designed for the local mountain goats than us. It traversed the dry rocky mountainside, zig sagging up and up all morning long till finally, it found it’s way to the very top. The pass. It...
The Secret of Inspiration
Hey everyone! I'm currently in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, and I wanted to share this little video about the importance of getting out of the studio to find inspiration (HINT: you'll often find it in the most unexpected of places!) Watch the video and let me know...
Out On The Edges
I've been painting a lot on canvas and noticed that some of the most interesting parts occur on the edges, where I'm working with less control. Taking my hand out of the process and letting the materials be themselves brings in a sense of play and is so refreshing.
Why Your Next Big Thing Will Be Successful
I have been making art my whole life. I spent one summer in Hawaii when I was 18 cooking in a restaurant. Other than that I have never held a job. I have always made art. So I have gotten used to the ups and downs of working for myself. I have had to find ways to...
Like What You Like
Just to add a little variation to my process, sometimes I'll begin a painting by putting down a bunch of different marks, nearly filling the canvas. Then, I'll start covering or changing what I don't like, until only what I do remains. It's almost like working...
5 Ways to Thrive as an Artist
Sometimes being an artist can feel hard, while other times it can feel inspiring and joyful. In trying to keep things more the latter, I try to keep the following five points in mind. All of them are available at anytime and there is no cost involved. I believe they...
Starting Strong
You can never bring differences into your work too early - they will only make your art better. Click the image and watch how I improve a piece I just started with a few simple marks. In gratitude, Nicholas