The Power Of Difference
In life, it is important that we remain open to different experiences, just like in art. And as we absorb those new experiences we grow as people, and in turn so does our art. The two are inextricably connected. In keeping with this theme, I have put together a list...
Why do you make your art?
The answer to this question, for me, has never been entirely clear. I made art as a child because I loved getting lost in my imagination. As I grew older, as fewer and fewer of my friends continued with art, I know I liked the attention. It made me feel different from...
Opposites Attract
When I'm at the beginning stages of a painting and deciding where to go next, I first try to figure out what I like about the piece. I then do the opposite of what I like about that piece - it's a great way to move forward when you're looking for a little inspiration....
Watching The Clock
I've found that I tend to paint in increments of 4 to 6 hours at a time. With my newest body of work, however, I decided to do something different: I started to limit myself to 2 to 3 hours per day. I discovered that this focused me, and allowed me to push my work in...
It Takes A Long Time To Become Young
Have you ever noticed that when you are making your art and it is all working out that it is almost as if you are not entirely there? You are driving the bus but it seems like you do not have to try very hard. Almost like it is driving itself. Art making sometimes can...
Learning To Let Go
I was looking at several nearly finished pieces and I noticed something: with this new body of work, I've been leaving more of the original first marks I make, as opposed to covering everything up. This is a bit different from what I normally do, and I am liking this...
Where To Find Your Best Art
If we are thinking about other people's work when we are making art, then we are not really making our own art. The activity of comparing, admiring, and imitating other people's work is a very different activity than making your art. These two activities should be...
Finish From A Distance
When working on a new body of work, I try to start my paintings by first putting in the larger shapes and then using those as a guide going forward. How do you start a new piece?
Your Best Art Can Be The Easiest
Do you know how sometimes make something that is so good that it even surprises you? It seemed so effortless, and till this day you still kind of wonder how you made it? It is that good. I have often wondered why I can’t do this more often. I discovered it has to do...
Stonewalls and Art
Wandering through the northern Italian town of Tirano, I am struck by the very old, stonewalls. They circumscribe every property, miles of village roadways and impossibly steep hillside terraces. They are simply beautiful. Utilitarian but incredibly artful, their...