Batch Your Work
I like to start multiple pieces at once - it encourages me to work larger and helps inform where I should go next with each piece. How do you start?
Stage 5 Mastery: How To Have Mastery In Art
How many hours in a life does it take to master something? In Malcolm Gladwell’s 2008 book “Outliers” he opines that the number is 10,000. I am not sure this is accurate as it doesn’t take quality of practice or intention as a factor. It does, of course, take passion,...
Start, Differently
A great way to begin a painting is to start putting down marks completely different from what you normally do. It's refreshing and can push your work in new, unexpected directions. How do you start?
Is your Art in Rhythm with you?
Are you finally getting in the rhythm with your Art? The fourth stage of Creative development is called Rhythm and it is when this occurs. Are you in this stage? And if you are how do you tell? There are 5 recognizable stages in creative development: Stage 1 AWAKENING...
Try Some Canvas
Normally I work on wood panels, but recently I've been experimenting with canvas, and I've been loving the results. Here's a link to the canvas I use: What surface do you enjoy painting...
The one constant thing.
The changes this year seem much bigger than other years. The political landscape has suddenly shifted. The absence of such luminaries as David Bowie, Prince, Sharon Jones, and Leonard Cohen to name just a few, hasn’t even settled in yet. On a personal level, the...
Shapes Shapes Shapes
One tool I like to use is large cardboard cut outs of various shapes. it's a great way to add some variety to your mark making.
Is Your Art About To Take Off?
The third stage of Creative development is called INTEGRATION and it is when this occurs. Are you in this stage? And if you are, how can you tell? Today I am going to tell you. But first we need to understand there are 5 recognizable stages in creative development:...
Embrace Your Change
As you develop and grow as a person, so too does your art. How has your work changed?
Your Intuition Makes Your Art Stronger.
What exactly is going on in our heads when we are making art? I do a lot of working from intuition but also spend a lot of time sitting in a chair scratching my head trying to understand what to do next. I am starting to see, at least in my practice; there are...