How I Price My Work
Pricing can be a difficult thing. Here's how I price my work.
A shortcut to your best art?
When I teach workshops I always have people work on several paintings at the same time. That way when you gets stuck you can merely move on to another one. The idea being that if you can keep moving - even if it is on a different painting that this is a good thing....
A Roll Of Paper Towels Is A Brush,
I always have a roll of paper towels with me... See why.
Get Yourself Unstuck
Sometimes you just get stuck. You are painting along fine and then you reach a point where you don’t know what to do. It might be because you have fallen in love and have lost objectivity. It might because the color is off somehow. But usually you stop and pullover...
When your art will become amazing.
I recently did an interview with one of my favorite landscape painters Russell Chatham. There is always one question that I like to ask, especially when the artist is so seemingly far along in their art; when it appears that their art is so developed, so mature that...
Welcome To The Studio
Come into my studio.
In life there is a point where the risk of not doing something feels worse than the risk of actually doing it. ‘It’ being a move towards the unknown, the unrehearsed or anything at all that feels just out of our reach. Making art is actually the practice of making,...
What About The Sides?
It's important not to forget about the sides of your painting... Here's what I do with mine.
That Thing, Again
There is this thing that I know. It has to do with making your art – no matter what discipline you create in – more authentic. I am now convinced, from my personal experience that it is one of the primary pieces of information needed to make remarkable paintings. This...
Let A Madman Work On Your Art Pt. 2
In one of my previous blogs I spoke about using an orbital sander (check it out at Here is how I use it...