When the art you love is not yours

I clearly remember idolizing certain artist’s work. That happened a lot because there is just a ton of art out in the world that is amazing. I used to compare my art to the highest standards I could find. In many cases I loved other people’s work much more than mine....

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It Takes A Long Time To Become Young

Have you ever noticed that when you are making your art and it is all working out that it is almost as if you are not entirely there? You are driving the bus but it seems like you do not have to try very hard. Almost like it is driving itself. Art making sometimes can...

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Making your art great before you begin.

I teach a lot about differences in art making. Differences between colors, shapes and textures, values and even emotions. The thinking being, that a bright color will look even brighter if paired with its opposite. A dull color. A light shape will look even lighter...

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The Biggest Reason To Make Your Art

I have just one thought this week and it keeps coming up again and again for me. It has to do with one of the primary, worthwhile reasons to make your art. It has nothing to do with what you hope to get out of it. Not monetarily. Not even notoriety. None of that. And...

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The Gift Of Anticipation

There always is a little anticipation, a little nervous energy when we are starting something we haven't before. In art and in life, this feeling is useful. It provides the juice, the energy to begin and make something different. How do you start something new? Here...

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How do you know when you are done?

Sometimes it is not always clear when a particular piece of art is done. And because of that, sometimes, I just keep changing the art more and more till at some point the painting I had been trying to finish is now so different that it has become an entirely new...

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