The Color of the Sea
When standing at the edge of the sea in the tropics, the water appears to be a very pale translucent, aquamarine color. The sunlight hits the white coral sand and reflects its whiteness through the water, illuminating it from below. The color is part reflection of the...
A Little Less Can Give Us Something More
I was reminded of something while in the studio yesterday. Sometimes we have too much and we need to let some things go. And then, often, that empty space helps create something more. Something better. In gratitude, Nicholas
Hey everyone, Here is a look at one of the many videos in the Creative Visionary Path Program. We are going to be spending the first few weeks of the program looking at ways of improving our art process, clarifying what...
Discover How Value Can Make Your Art Amazing
After watching my second video "VALUE" in my four part video series, many people have been asking the same question. What does the "loud and quiet" conversations look like in different kinds of art? So in today's video blog post, I will show some examples of art and...
Shift Your Art From Good To Great
In my currently running video series on the Art2Life Principles a lot of people are asking the same question. It involves Design. If you are missing out on this currently running free video series click here:...
A Little of This Makes a Big Difference in Your Art
I sometimes get asked how I finish my thing that I really enjoy doing is adding a little pure titanium white to a few areas. Just a little of this powerful color goes a long way in added some subtle sophistication to your work... Watch the video and let me...
Why Frogs Sing
I often think of Art as the coming together of things that the artist, according to their preference, chooses. I love that there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to what those things are. It literally can be anything. However it is in the presentation of those things...
Hold On And Then Let Go
Controlling some things and letting others go in your art is key. Not always knowing where we are going helps make out art vibrant and authentic. How much spontaneity is in your art?
Finding Easy in the Hard
Art Making can feel hard. Sometimes super hard. I have experienced it and I watch others experience it. I am sure things can sometimes feel hard for you too. Thankfully, there are three positive aspects of things being hard. All of them are good. I am quite outside my...
Where To Find Your Best Art
If we are thinking about other people's work when we are making art, then we are not really making our own art. The activity of comparing, admiring, and imitating other people's work is a very different activity than making your art. These two activities should be...