How to Make your Art Extraordinary

Art Miami 2012. Courtesy Art Miami, LLC.   I love going to Contemporary Art Fairs. These are almost like the trade shows of contemporary art. There are paintings and galleries from all over the world. There are a zillion different kinds of paintings, photographs...

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Art, Life and a Fish

  I just was backpacking with my youngest nineteen-year-old daughter, Hannah, high in the Sierra Mountains. We spent most of our days walking through high alpine forests, massive expanses of granite punctuated by startled deer and once, even a large, scurrying...

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Why Your Next Big Thing Will Be Successful

 I have been making art my whole life. I spent one summer in Hawaii when I was 18 cooking in a restaurant. Other than that I have never held a job. I have always made art. So I have gotten used to the ups and downs of working for myself. I have had to find ways to...

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What You Can Eat to Energize Your Art Practice

It takes a tremendous amount of energy to make art. I do my best work in the morning. I start early. What really helps me maintain my energy during this time is what I eat for breakfast. I am not an expert on diet but I can say from my experience that having a...

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Change Your Thinking to Better Sell Your Art

There are many challenges facing artists but one of the most pervasive, especially with artists who are just beginning, is selling their art. Whether you sell your work or not does not matter, of course, although many people do want this outcome. I know I did when I...

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How Your Dreams Come True

Do you ever feel like starting all over? I love art making because in a way you get to start over every time an artwork is finished and another is begun. But I am also talking about big changes such as switching careers, or doing something entirely different or...

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How is it Going?

 I am often asked how my career is going. There is a real curiosity especially amongst friends and acquaintances that are not artists. They just cannot fathom what it must be like to be doing something all day long that is entirely self-generated. There are no...

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5 Ways to Thrive as an Artist

Sometimes being an artist can feel hard, while other times it can feel inspiring and joyful. In trying to keep things more the latter, I try to keep the following five points in mind. All of them are available at anytime and there is no cost involved. I believe they...

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How to Write a Great Artist’s Statement

I received a question from an artist the other day about how to write an artist’s statement. I obviously can’t comment on what anyone can say about his or her work as everyone’s work is different; I do however, have some observations and guidelines that I use for...

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Three Ways to Make Your Art Easier

Have you ever noticed in the beginning of making your art that everything feels easy and then, after working for a while it gets more difficult? You simply are not sure what to do next. Progress slows and then interest wanes. Being stubborn, I usually will just...

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