How Your Art Practice can Help You Live Fully

Pema Chodrun speaks and teaches extensively on Buddhism and becoming more conscious in our lives. She teaches that in order to live fully we should try to “experience each moment as completely new and fresh.” This teaching resonates with me. I see this idea, however,...

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Two Ways to Make a Color Extraordinary

Recently I found the most beautiful green I have ever seen. I didn’t find it by mixing paint, nor did I find it in another artist’s work. I found it, quite by accident, at a cooking class in a pot of simmering pea soup. I had never made pea soup by shelling all the...

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The Idea that Will Improve Your Art Practice

People ask me where the ideas come from that I write about and I tell them they come mostly from my Art Practice. These thoughts arrive while I am standing in front of my paintings. But they also just come from my life. This makes sense because, as most of you already...

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My Favorite Secret Habit of Highly Effective People

I am right smack dab in the middle of a big pile of paintings for a new show in June. I have been working hard for several months. Fifty percent of my time has already been used up. Many paintings are started, but none are finished. How this body of work is going to...

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Three Ideas that can Inspire Your Art Practice

Pema Chodrun eloquently spoke of three primary teachings found in Tibetan Buddhism. Even though I am only mildly familiar with the basic tenants of Buddhism, oddly, the primary points she was making I innately understood already. I was familiar – not because I have...

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How to Make Art with Time on Your Side

When I think about time I occasionally get a sinking feeling. Time is always passing. There is never enough. Once it is gone it is gone. The passing of every second, hour and day feels like a permanently declining savings account. A deposit simply cannot be made to...

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Sometimes life just seems like a long stream of corrected mistakes. I am not sure why we get so frustrated after the umpteenth time we have made an error. You would think we would learn and accept the fact that the mistake is simply inevitable. Making Art has helped...

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Yesterday I was painting and about 30 minutes in I got stuck. Sometimes when I don’t know what to do I try to think through the possibilities. I try to rationalize the next best move and work out in my mind why this possible decision would work or not. The...

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I am making a new series of paintings for a solo show in June. I have started 12 new paintings. I like to work on them all at the same time. Not so long ago I would have never tried to make so many all at once. I would at the most do 2 and even then I would try to...

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Do you notice how the same colors always show up in your work? I do. This is mostly because I love using certain ones. Color is personal. Everyone seems to have a few favorites. They stay unique to that person mostly because only they know the mix of colors that go...

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