Why it Sometimes Feels Hard to Make Your Art
The process of creating is up and down. In my practice, one minute I feel everything is going well then upon closer examination it can seem like whatever I am working on has taken a turn for the worst. I have grown accustomed to this choppy kind of inquiry. It just...
Two Small Words That Help Your Art
As I was painting the other day it hit me how much the process of making Art is just a bunch of Yes and No decisions. Do I like this mark here or do I like it there? Yes or No? I was having one of those days in the studio that was not very satisfying. It seemed like I...
What Makes Us Feel Alive?
If you pay attention to what your friends share with you from the Internet you start to get an idea of what we all find valuable. Regardless of the subject matter, usually it is something that is extraordinarily different than what we normally see. If it is...
Gouache painting of eraser by Nicholas Wilton Sometimes making my Art feels choppy. The hardest days in the studio are the ones where I go down one road before I realize I wanted another. I was mistaken. So by the end of the day, I have to come all the way back...
Build Success With New Answers
Above: Image by Yanko Tsvetkov of alphadesigner.com One of potential shortfalls for Artists, who are involved in the business of selling their Art, often has to do with their thinking. The answers to many of the same old questions regarding a career in art, no...
When Your Art Doesn’t Sell
You didn’t sell anything at your show or open studio. It can make you feel like crap. When this happens to me I am not sure if I feel bad about my work or myself. Probably both. It tends to dampen my enthusiasm about even trying to make art anymore. If you ever feel...
Your Best Art Can Be The Easiest
Detail from "The Antique Juggling Girl" by Lord Frederic Leighton Do you know how sometimes you make something that is so good it surprises even you? It seemed so effortless, and till this day you still kind of wonder how you made it? It is that good. I have...
The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Sell Your Art
Above: one of Andy Warhol's "Dollar Sign" paintings. Being a successful Artist means different things for different people. For some, just being able to make artwork they love is enough. Others, however, also want art making to be their profession. In other...
A Dog Is An Artist’s Best Friend
Maizy was rescued, snatched up from an Oklahoma “kill” shelter the day before she would have been put down. She is part Ridgeback and part Basenji. I am not sure if her incredibly gentle and grateful disposition is a result of her mixed breed or because of her...
How To Stop Creative Block
Do you ever feel like you get stuck in the process of making your Art? All of a sudden you reach a point and you don’t know what to do. There is just a big empty blank space in your creativity. This happens to me. I also see this played out in my ArtLife workshops....